Conceptual Board Game

In 2023 I designed, printed and produced a set of props for a conceptual photoshoot. The shoot was for the magazine CIVIS mit SONDE. The theme of the magazine issue was ‘Intergenerational justice’ (Generationengerechtigkeit). The articles in the magazine covered a whole range of topics to do with this theme.

The design of this new parody game, ‘das Spiel der Generationen’, was based on the capitalist utopian board games of the 1980s and 1990s, especially the Game of Life, where the player must navigate the highs and lows of life.

Topics of the issue included climate change, careers, unemployment, education, mental health, pensions, health, property. These themes were integrated into the game for the player’s journey.

The photos were then used throughout the issue 2023-1 of Civis mit Sonde magazine, to illustrate and compliment the articles written on the topics.